COVID-19 UPDATE: I am available as always to the injured workers!
Mr. Quraishi helps people with WCB cases from ALL ACROSS CANADA! No matter where you live, he can help you. Call today!
Mr. Quraishi has also been successful many times with cases before the APPEALS COMMISSION for ALBERTA WORKERS COMPENSATION, the COURT OF KING’S BENCH of ALBERTA and even the ALBERTA COURT OF APPEAL (see below).
NEWS: In the recent case of Zarooben v The Workers’ Compensation Board from February 4, 2022 Mr. Viqar Quraishi, K.C. and Ms. Yasmeen Q. Nizam worked together and were victorious in a big case which was heard in the Alberta Court of Appeal. Congratulations are definitely in order!
The details of the case can be found here.
Edmonton Workers’ Compensation Lawyer, WCB Cases, Severely Injured Workers, WCB Appeals – Employer Issues, Assessments, Classifications, Premiums and more!
Viqar Quraishi, K.C. is an Edmonton lawyer with over 50 years of experience dealing with the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of Alberta.
Whether you are an injured party looking for representation, or an employer looking for help – Mr. Quraishi can help you.
Edmonton Workers Compensation lawyers are the men and women lawyers of Edmonton that handle workers compensation cases for people that live in the Edmonton area, or where the employment injury happened in the Edmonton area but the injured person lives elsewhere in Alberta.

The legislation that governs the Workers Compensation system in Alberta is the Workers Compensation Act of Alberta. There are also Workers Compensation Regulations that are important. The whole program is run by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) of Alberta.
The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of Alberta is a not-for-profit corporation legislated to administer the workers compensation system for the province. Through the payment of premiums, employers fund this no-fault system that provides compensation for workplace injuries and occupational diseases to workers.

In Edmonton and indeed throughout Alberta, the majority of employers are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance for all of their workers and must notify the WCB within 15 days of hiring their first worker. This includes full-time, part-time, temporary and casual staff, as well as family members providing a service for your business. Some employers are exempt.

In the event of a work-related injury the WCB will cover medical expenses, provide wage replacement and in some cases cover rehabilitation services for the injured worker. The whole workers compensation act insurance or compensation scheme includes medical treatments and indeed this is a major component of the whole system.
It is important, in considering who your Edmonton WCB lawyer is going to be, that you select one that is practical, experienced and knowledgeable of exactly how things work at the workers compensation board.
We are that counsel. We are that law firm. We are your Edmonton Workers’ Compensation (WCB) Lawyers.
Mr. Quraishi Can Help You – All Over Alberta!
- Employer & Company WCB Assistance
- Edmonton Workers Compensation Lawyer
- Calgary Workers Compensation Lawyer
- Fort McMurray Workers Compensation Lawyer
- Red Deer Workers Compensation Lawyer
Call today!

Viqar Quraishi K.C. – Your Edmonton Workers’ Compensation (WCB) Lawyer.