WCB Employer Premiums and Assessments

Employer Premiums & Assessments Under Alberta Workers’ Compensation Legislation

The Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is a not for profit corporation legislated to administer the workers compensation system for the province. Through the payment of premiums, employers fund this no-fault system that provides compensation for workplace injuries and occupational diseases to workers.

Employers are required by law to carry WCB injury insurance and the insurance pays out to the employee in the event the employee is injured on the job or, in some cases, becomes ill due to circumstances surrounding their job. The Workers’ Compensation Act contains a system for assessing and collecting the premiums that employers must pay. Separate “experience accounts” are maintained for each employer in respect of assessments levied and costs of claims.


An employer’s assessment is based on a number of factors including industry classification, size of payroll and claims experience rating. Costs from an injury claim may increase the employer’s experience account. The Act allows for credits or rebates to employers in certain situations and also for relieving the employers of claim costs in certain situations. The claim costs can be disputed. Appeals from employer assessments can be made to the Appeals Commission of the Workers Compensation Board.



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