WCB Performance and Costs

Employer Questions About Costs

Many efforts are made to keep the costs of the injured workers down.

Fewer efforts are made at keeping the costs of the employer down.  If you feel your WCB employer costs are too high, meet with Viqar Quraishi and see if something can’t be done.  Mr. Quraishi is an Alberta WCB lawyer who has over 50 years of experience in dealing with WCB matters.


Modified work helps an injured worker return to work while recovering. Thousands of employees utilize this approach each year. The Occupational Injury Service is a program designed for people who are hurt at work. This voluntary program helps employers and employees by providing injured workers with fast access to medical services at special clinics. They say this program can reduce your premiums.

The job training on the job program is an incentive for employers to receive financial assistance for employee training in certain situations where the injured employee is unable to return to their original position.

Performance and costs can be managed via the WCB online service where they say you can do a number of things including monitor and review your claim costs, review your claim history and thereby identify safety issues, understand what the effect on your rates might be if your performance were to improve and access information specific to your account.

All these services are attempts to manage the costs of being an employer.


  • Claim Costs (monthly and yearly)
  • Performance Reporting (summaries and report cards)
  • Premium Summaries
  • Pricing Programs (industry custom pricing, pricing profiles etc.)
  • General Statistics (provincial, industry, employer, safety etc.

Most of this information is available from the WBC website.  You don’t have to be a lawyer to read it all – but it helps! If you are an employer anywhere in Alberta and you need help dealing with your WBC costs, assessments, appeals or other WCB issues, call Viqar Quraishi today.  He can help you.


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